Ware College House

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About Us

House Motto Our House Motto “Emitte Lucem et Veritatem” (Send Forth Light and Truth) is a call for our students to pursue reason and truth, and to be active agents for good in the world. House Coat of Arms Our house coat of arms was designed by Ana Tamargo '08. The shield is "Burgundy, a chevron azure between an open book and two lions rampant or, supporting a compass proper." The symbols on the house shield are important for understanding the Ware College House. The chevron represents a house and is symbolic of the Ware College House as a home for our students. The open book represents lifelong learning and the pursuit of reason and truth, while the lion (our house mascot) represents courage and passion. The compass (our house symbol), hoisted aloft by the lions, represents the journey our students begin when they enter Franklin and Marshall College, the role of the Ware College House in guiding our students along that journey, and the hope that our students will always find their way back to their home in the Ware College House. House Colors Our main colors are F&M Blue and Burgundy, which represent reason & truth (blue), and passion (burgundy). We endeavor to instill in our students that great accomplishments occur when well-reasoned ideas and plans are pursued with passion.









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Our Team

Shuai Shao Profile

Shuai Shao

Amanda Chin Profile

Amanda Chin

Evann Tan Profile

Evann Tan

Ashley Rondini Profile

Ashley Rondini

Max Goldman Profile

Max Goldman

Morgan Reese Profile

Morgan Reese

Caroline Riegel Profile

Caroline Riegel

Hayk Manasyan Profile

Hayk Manasyan


E: ware.parliament@fandm.edu

Ware College House